Facebook Ads

Still a non-believer?  I hear it all the time, business owners still saying this is not a platform for them. Maybe they just don’t get it or understand how to advertise on Facebook. 5 million other businesses are now fighting over ad space, yet so many are missing out on the most powerful advertising platform in the world. In fact, have a look at this chart from business insider. Look at how much of the traffic is owned by the big two.

traffic graph

Wow! If your current online marketing strategy doesn’t include either organic SEO, AdWords or Facebook, chances are you are being left behind. Make sure you take the steps now to catch up before, your business starts to suffer.

Remember a third of the world is on Facebook, most likely YOUR customers are on Facebook and Google. It’s your job as a business owner to work out what or who your customer needs, what are their pain points, what magazines do they read and really understand who you are trying to sell to.

AdWords or Facebook

AdWords is a fantastic platform but it is further down the funnel. It is searched based marketing, people are already looking for your product or service, they are then typing this into the search bar so you are now competing for that click with your competition. Essentially your customers start the conversation and they already know what they want.

The problems are that you can only fight over those people who are already looking, what about all those people who don’t know your product or service solution exists?  That is where interrupt based marketing comes in and Facebook is the biggest player by far.

If you are exclusively B2B your customers will still be on Facebook but I am sure you are aware that Linkedin is probably your perfect place to start interrupt based marketing.

Interrupt based marketing means that you start the conversation with potential customers, not like on AdWords or organic search,  interrupt marketing lets them know who you are, what your service or product is and it should be an offer they just can’t refuse.

Maybe they are not aware that a solution to their problem even exists. You need to tell people how fantastic your product or service is, so when they need it, you will be their first call or visit.

Brand Lift

Very few people will buy or book your service immediately unless it is an emergency, i.e Locksmith. You need to create awareness around your product or service. This can be a blog or currently even better a video which, is the most engaging content on Facebook.

People love to engage and the more people interact with your brand, the more likely they will buy, typically it is 4-5 touch points on a customers journey. If you can entice people into your funnel the more chance you have of getting that sale.

Because of this people will usually leave Facebook and look around your website, read your reviews (if you don’t have these, get them!). Interrupt based marketing means your brand gets mentioned more, searches increase organic sales online and your AdWords conversions increase. All of this generates buzz and gets people talking about your business.

How to Make Your Campaigns Work

Nobody wants to be sold to, especially when they are trying look at funny videos of cats. Do you really think that a stock cheesy picture or an ad asking them to buy your product or service without at least a picture of you or the actual product you are selling?


DO NOT USE STOCK PICTURES – I can’t enough how terrible your ads will perform if you use stock pictures compared to real pictures of people or products. Not everyone has access to a designer but everybody has a smartphone, take some pictures, create a video. Even poor quality ones will perform better than stock ones.

Ad Copy

This is where you get to communicate your USP. Maybe you don’t have one? Think what sets you aside from the competition, without a USP why should someone buy your product, also being the cheapest is also not a USP!

Tell people about your product, features and benefits, showcase your service/product as best you can and tell people what the next action is you want them to take, usually, this is to get them to your landing page.

Make sure you have a great offer, do not use Facebook ads to just tell people you exist, give them an irresistible offer. Instead of thinking about profits first, think about value first. If you have a great product try offering customers a free trial, money off or a free part of your service. Think about how much the lifetime value of that customer could end up being?

Your landing page is your next selling opportunity, you are no longer limited by rules of Facebook but beware do not make any crazy claims and FB will disapprove your ad. Great landing pages can include videos, testimonials, features but most importantly direct them to the next step you want them to take.


The biggy!  Spend some time working out who your ideal customer is. Once you know this everything becomes easier, from writing copy to designing offers, if you know who they are, then you know what they want. Do some research, read reviews, discover pain points and write them down.

Now you know who they are you can target them on Facebook, what books or magazines do they read, what websites do they visit, what types of equipment to they use. The list can go on this will give you so many ideas and options to make your targeting so much easier.

Remember to try to go deep into targeting, if you liked Golf you would know who Tiger Woods is but everybody knows who he is. If you loved Golf you would follow much lesser known Golf players. This is how deep targeting works, passionate people buy more stuff. It’s that simple!

Hope this helps to start thinking about how you can get people talking about your business and service.

Here’s 5 really simple but effective campaigns to run on your Facebook page.


Categories: FacebookNews


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