Facebook Advertising

Facebook advertising is huge moment, Facebook are constantly changing things up and more and more advertisers are turning to Facebook for cheap clicks. Google AdWords still has it’s place but if you don’t know what you are doing it is a pretty sure fire way of burning a lot of money up and fast!

You still need to know what you are doing but where AdWords is a query based service, your ads will be shown to the person searching certain keywords, know your audience and their search terms and write a compelling ad you can still get a good conversion rate. Google is a very competitive place and depending on your businesses clicks can be expensive.

Facebook on the other hand is interrupt based, people are looking at pictures of holidays and conversing with friends, you’re interrupting people with your advert, so you better make it worth their while, offers work really well the picture is very important it needs to be relevant and eye-catching. Facebook allows you to access to their data so you really can just advertise to a very specific audience. Nearly every single audience is on Facebook, if you are not already advertising you really should!

Facebook Video

Enter Facebook videos, its huge, Mark Zuckerberg want to be bigger and better than Facebook and because of that there has never been a cheaper way to advertise, video is cheap clicks and if you can get the content for your business it can help enormously with brand trust, clicks and ultimately sales. No matter what your businesses is you should be making videos and advertising right now.

My client PopStory has a music recording studios, during the week professional musician’s hire out the studios, but at the weekend they run kids parties. Kids come in and record a song, they have loads of games for the kids to play, the whole venue has been decorated in superheros, it really is a place that needs to be seen. I wanted to make a video to try and explain the place to social media and online bookings, as pictures can’t really tell the story.

This is the video for one of my clients PopStory. Check it out

I produced and edited this video and have a licence to use the music, so Facebook will accept it.

I am running a local campaign as PopStory are in Milton Keynes, with ads I usually get around $0.16 per click but check out the stats for this ad $0.01 for each view on a $10 a day ad spend. Awesome right?

proof of 0.01 views


As you can see in this already I am getting $0.01 views on this video and really high result rate, it’s Friday so people tend to be happy on social media and share some love around. This was a boost post ad,  I am also running two other ad sets, one ad with the video to monitor clicks and another standard picture ad set driving the audience to a page on the website that has this video embeded in it.

It will be interesting to see the results after the 5 days of running and of course see if it has had an effect on sales. Popstory use Booking Bug so I can’t use the Facebook Pixel fully but I will build up an audience for re-targeting after this campaign has finished.

I will share the results next week.


If you are interested in getting a video created for your business or advertising online with Facebook but have no idea how to get started, get in touch now for a no obligation consultation.



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