Get 20-50 REAL Reviews From Your Customers in Just 2 Weeks
Are You Frustrated That Even Though You have The Best Service, You Keep Losing Out Again and Again To Your Competition?
The Big Secret..
The reason most businesses have poor or hardly any REVIEWS is simply because they don’t ask for them or they ask at the wrong time!
While businesses are stressing over advertising….
They ignore the most powerful part of their online world, don’t believe me, go and Google any local business right now, check out the Google My Business (Map) Reviews. I already know what you will find, reviews ignored, some with less than 5, really old ones and probably a few from spam bot ones as well!
Take Facebook, I know businesses that have even turned off reviews! Yes, that’s right, turned off the most valuable and powerful asset they have, all because they don’t know how to or what to say. By the way, this is a terrible idea as you will turn off check-in features, ruin your page rank and damage your page for a long time.
Ok, so you get it, the currency of the internet is reviews and your
REPUTATION, it just isn’t enough to have the best service anymore, you have to show the world you are the best in town and hands down the best way to achieve this is by turning your customers into your best salesperson.
But the problem is, getting new reviews can be difficult and time-consuming and then when you finally get them, do you even know how to respond?
You need to know how to turn customers into Raving Fans that not only want to buy more but tell everyone about how great your business is.
As a result, we have developed a fool-proof copy and paste system not only to get more reviews, how to respond to them and put them on autopilot.
Don’t Spend Another Penny on Advertising Until You Read This!
Before we created this system, businesses would come to us wanting new customers, they were spending money on ads and couldn’t work out why nothing was working, why their competitors were BEATING them and why they just couldn’t expand.
Of course, we investigated, it wasn’t the ads, it was their reviews, the first thing your potential customers are going to do is check out your reviews.
I’ll be honest most of the time they totally SUCKED, there just wasn’t enough of them, leaving potential customer suspicious…
And even worse the few that they did have, nobody had BOTHERED to respond to them!
When the customer said nice things they were ignored, when they said bad things they were ignored, even when they said mediocre things, guess what?
They were ignored!
We see it time and time again, agencies are selling ads and business are buying but no one is tackling the real problem….
Catch Your Bad Reviews Before They Go Live With This Funnel
Your reviews are the foundation of your sales, build them, grow them, get this right and your customers will become your BEST salesperson!
Invest in a Grow Review Campaign Today
Here’s What You Get
- The Review Campaign – Done For You!
- Social Posts (£299)
- Ad Copy (Optional) (£99 Value)
- Email Campaign (£199)
- Full Funnel Build to Catch Bad Reviews (£499)
- 20-50 Real Reviews (Priceless)
- BONUS #1: Review Response Template (£99 Value)
- BONUS #2: GMB Hacks (£97 Value)
Huge Savings!! – One Time Payment – £99
Book Your Slot Below and Let’s Get You More Reviews, More Customers and More Money! Please Be Quick Limited Offer
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